On October 26th of this year, I turned 30 years old! Insane right?! I honestly feel like I’m still in my early 20’s, but also feel way more wise than I ever did in those days.
There have been a lot of difficult things I’ve had to overcome in my 30 years of life, as I’m sure most of you have experienced as well. Through my trials, I’ve tried to take away a lesson and truly try to learn from it. I have also had a lot of blessings in my life, so that holds true to these times as well.
Here are some things I’ve learned at 30:
Never let fear hold you back!
Mindset is everything.
Set boundaries with yourself and others.
Cherish every moment with your loved ones.
It’s okay to cry.
Start each day off with gratitude.
Take vacations and rest!
Never speak negative words about others.
Push yourself even when you don’t want to.
Smile at strangers.
Prayer really works.
Listen to your gut.
Stop doubting yourself.
Forgive others.
Let go of what you cannot change.
Believe you are worthy.
Do the thing you are most scared of.
Love with all you’ve got.
Laugh and cherish the little moments.
Get off your phone.
Eat together at the dinner table.
Time really does fly.
Visit your favorite spot in the world at least once a year.
Setting goals really does help them come to life.
Set crazy goals and dreams.
Take yourself on dates.
Share your struggles, you never know who’s going to relate.
If you can make your job your passion do it!
Serve others.
Start each day as a fresh new slate.
Those are just a few life lessons I’ve learned at 30! I am so blessed and truly thankful for all the ups and downs in my life.